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Darkfield microscope

With this advanced equipment, the invisible in the blood is made visible to find diseases, viruses, fungi or bacteria, the presence of heavy metals or electromagnetic pollution, among others, more precisely.

Bio Escaner

Magnetic Resonance Quantum Analysis, also known as Bio magnetic Quantum Scanner or Bio-Electrical Quantum Analysis, measures the electromagnetic waves that are generated by our cells made up of tiny particles with specific electrical charges.

Epigenetic study

Hair is an astonishing, almost indestructible biomarker that contains a lot of personal information at a quantum epigenetic level.

Dental 3D BIO Scanner

The three-dimensional vision of each tooth, the tongue, the mouth and the surrounding tissues makes it possible to detect foci of possible diseases in each tooth and at a distance, in other organs of the body.

Physical examination

It is a meticulous physical examination carried out by the medical team, consisting of a review by devices and systems from head to toe, which manages to detect abnormalities that the patient may have at that time and that they have not noticed before.

Emotional Analysis

Emotions are psychophysiological reactions that we all experience on a daily basis, even if we are not always aware of it.